MTC transfers more than S/ 23 million to regions for telecommunications interventions

On February 26, the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) transferred more than S/. 23 million to regional governments to finance their functions related to the communications sector, as well as for the operation and maintenance of telecommunications systems, during fiscal year 2021.

The transferred resources will enable the operation and maintenance of telecommunications systems located in all regions of the country, which will benefit the population in general.

Likewise, they will strengthen regional management for the fulfillment of the sectorial competencies that have been transferred to them in the telecommunications area.

The total amount allocated is S/ 23′173,014 and represents an increase of 16% over the previous year.

The financial transfer is authorized in Law No. 31084-2020, which approves the public budget for fiscal year 2021.

“The 16% increase is the result of the great effort of the MTC, which aims to get closer to the regions and maintain better communication and articulation of the functions performed by both the Executive and the regional governments, especially now that we are in a health emergency due to the COVID,” said the general director of Communications Policy and Regulation, José Aguilar.

The resources may not be used for purposes other than those established.

“This transfer will be accompanied by an adequate follow-up and monitoring of the resources delivered, as indicated in the ministerial resolution published today in the official gazette El Peruano,” said the official.

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